Hello friends,
We are all in this battle together. Sadly, our Texas legislature has not been very helpful this session, and it's almost over. Very disappointing. Two more years before we get disappointed AGAIN? The Texas Scorecard articles below talk about some of the issues and the concerns about them not being addressed. The legislature also is proposing a raise for itself. I need to find the source again so I can provide it to you.
You may know that House Speaker Dade Phelan wields a lot of control. If he wants something to come to fruition, it most likely will. If he doesn't, the chances are basically zero.
Items like proposing themselves a raise certainly make progress.
The border, and child mutilation, and election security have made little to no progress.
There is power in numbers. These organizations are making a difference. Their emails provide great information for YOU. Action items are included and often easy one-click actions, SO helpful!
True Texas Project, https://truetexasproject.com/
Texas Eagle Forum, https://www.texaseagleforum.com/
Education 9-1-1, 501c3, https://texased911.com/
Citizens Defending Freedom, 501c3, https://www.citizensdefendingfreedom.com/
Texas First, 501c3, Texas First
And if you don't subscribe to Texas Scorecard, I highly recommend it. Try it for one week, and you'll be impressed. Here are a few samples. The comments after the links are mine.
Texas House Continues to Support More Corporate Welfare - We got rid of it, but they want it back.
Flush With Gambling Lobby Cash, Phelan Primed to OK Texas Casinos - Lobbyists use our tax money to influence legislators against their constituents.
Legislation to Ban Taxpayer-funded Lobbying Filed in the Texas House - Not being moved, more delay tactics until they can say they ran out of time.
Abbott Endorses Universal School Choice Through Education Savings Accounts - but the House isn't processing the bills.
Lawmakers Urge All School Districts to Leave Texas Association of School Boards - TASB is a 'union' that hurts Texas kids' education.
Legislation to Protect Elections ‘At Risk’ in Texas House - Election security? Not if they can help it.
I urge you to get more informed and engaged. Our country is worth it.
Let me know what you want to know. I want to help you make a difference.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
-Edmund Burke
VoteTexas.gov, https://www.votetexas.gov/get-involved/index.html
Until next time…
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Or email me, and let’s have a problem-solving conversation. I welcome ‘letters to the editor’ type emails and may publish yours. I hope we can create a caucus with positive, back-to-the-founders’-dream-for-America results. Have a topic you want to know more about?
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Going forward, you may need to check your spam folder. And please mark this address as ‘not spam.’ If the newsletter isn’t in your spam folder either, you should look in the Promotions tab.
You can always see everything on the website, https://ellenleyrer.substack.com.
Thanks again for reading! I’m glad you’re here!