Every single vote is extremely important!
We hear it often - Yes, this is possibly the most important election of your life.
Having eyes at polling locations is critical to ensure election integrity.
Vote all the way down the ballot.
Election workers are desperately needed! Election clerks, poll watchers, election judges, poll greeters, and more. There is a place for you no matter your abilities and comfort level. Free training is available. And now is the time! Here’s one resource:
VoteTexas.gov, https://www.votetexas.gov/get-involved/index.html. For local or in-person training, reach out to me or to your county GOP office. Collin County website. Poll greeting is a great place to start, and no training is required. You just stand outside the polling location, usually with a candidate sign, smile and greet people walking up. It’s the most fun I think. And you can pick your day and time, super simple.
Be sure to get a sample ballot before you go to vote. And be sure the ballot you’re given matches the sample ballot! This is another recently learned method of affecting the election. Once it’s available, find your Collin County sample ballot here. (That page still shows the last sample ballot at this time.)
Every election is important, but I think you know that conservatives are in an even more tenuous position than usual. You are so important. You probably know that only a small percentage of registered voters actually turn up to vote in any election. What you may not have consciously realized is what that means to your vote. If, for example, 13% of registered voters show up in any given election, that means your 1 vote is actually counting for about 7 other voters, so your one vote is worth 8 votes! Never underestimate the value of your vote. And, similarly, every conservative person you get to the polls counts for 8 votes too! Remind all your conservative friends and family to vote. Give rides. Buy donuts. You have a lot of power to affect the outcome.
It’s also very important to vote all the way down the ballot. Once someone gets into office, the system gives that person automatic advantages, like name recognition, and more funding by special interests. Plus, it allows that person to continue their political career up the ladder. This is how many of the people who start out in very minor positions end up being dangerous to the opposing party. From school board - we’ve learned some of those dangers - to city council, to state representative, etc. And I’ve recently learned that even though some candidates break the rules and should be disqualified, that is not being enforced! We must support every single conservative on the ballot.
Why is the 2022 election so critical? So far the Biden administration has done a lot of harm. With Democratic majorities in the House and (counting the VP) the Senate, the progressives have managed to check off a lot of items on their wish list. In order to slow that down, and it’s not a stretch, to help save America, Republicans must gain at least the House. If the Biden administration has two more years of complete control, it will mean more censoring and cancel culture, more bureaucracy overreach, more out-of-control spending and inflation, more crime, more illegal immigration, more harm to children, more restrictions on religion and speech, and so on, and so forth. The whole Bill of Rights is at risk. We’ve had a taste of it, and we know they will continue pushing socialism down our throats. They make no secret of their goals.
Taking back America can be done! It’s not too late. Talking isn’t enough though. Most of us do our fair share of grumbling, and, goodness knows, it’s okay to talk and express our feelings to like-minded folks. We need the support of knowing we’re not alone. In fact, speaking up is very important. Keep doing it. Share the issues; share the solutions. Bring any and all to the party. And there are plenty of ways to help bring success. Attend meetings, bring friends. Make campaign calls, block walk. Gather and provide transportation to other voters, especially on election day. It seems voting on election day is an important factor too. Early voting and mail-in ballots have more ways to go wrong.
(You probably know I am involved in several organizations. Please reach out to me if you want more info on meetings, action items, or anything at all.)
And one place Republicans fall down and hurt themselves is lack of unity. We are an independent lot. Democrats have unity as their greatest strength. I urge you to use dissent anywhere except the polls. Once we are past the primaries, all Republicans must be voted for, and all positions must be voted Republican. Please remember:
United we stand. Divided we fall.
Until next time…
Please share your thoughts in the comments. Or email me, and let’s have a problem-solving conversation. I welcome ‘letters to the editor’ type emails and may publish yours. I hope we can create a caucus with positive, back-to-the-founders’-dream-for-America results. Have a topic you want to know more about?
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Thanks again for reading! I’m glad you’re here!