A topic that books have been written about - literally. Over the last several months this topic has come to my attention in a variety of ways, so I am learning about it. This introduction will barely address the tip of the iceberg. The main reason I write this newsletter is to inform. If it piques your interest, that’s a bonus!
Action Item: Title IX, girls and women’s sports being for biological girls and women - please make a public comment. Here’s more on that, Title 9 Rule Change. Public comments are a little like testifying. You basically tell why you support or oppose.
One thing that seems to cause much of the conflict is that the Constitutional Convention and a Convention of States are often confused or thought to be the same thing. They are two completely separate things.
It seems that the biggest concern expressed by citizens is that a Convention of States would be a ‘runaway’. That it would open a Pandora’s box and allow bad things to happen. The answer is not simple. And of course, there is more than one opinion. When it takes time and study to find more complex answers, not too many of us have the inclination to take the time. I never did.
Constitutional Amendments are how the founders made it possible for citizens to address issues that might come up in future or might change over time. To date, there are 27 Constitutional Amendments (out of 33 that have been proposed). The founders provided two ways to modify the Constitution; both are found in Article V. A Convention of States is sometimes called an Article V Convention. The founders had first-hand knowledge of how government could grow and become overreaching, a snowball rolling downhill unchecked, gaining momentum.
Some claim that the Constitutional Convention was a ‘runaway’. On the contrary, the delegates abided by the rules, then the Constitution was sent to the states and ratified by the required 9 of the 13. Here’s a brief synopsis.
One ultra-important fact, no matter any arguments against a Constitution of States, is that all 50 states would receive the proposed amendment(s), and three-fourths of the states - 75% - would then have to ratify any amendment. It could be one or more individually, not all or nothing.
At this time, Texas and 18 other states have submitted an application. And that in itself is pretty special because they have to be the very same amendment or amendments by all 34 states (required) requesting the Article V Convention in order for Congress to call a Convention of States. That’s one of the rules that keeps the process legal and on track.
Knowing who the people and organizations are that support CoS is important to me and might be of interest to you. You can see that here.
As I said, I’m researching and learning, and sharing information, and this is the tip of the iceberg.
Mark Levin’s ‘The Liberty Amendments’ is highly recommended.
In case you missed it -
- Dr. Birx, one of the Covid experts has been in the news recently. Very interesting how she tells in her new book about the dishonesty, including hers, on the information provided to the public and to then-President Trump. For three sources, go here, here, and here.
- New York's high court won't free Happy the elephant from the Bronx Zoo. The court ruled in a 5-2 decision that the elephant does not count as a person subject to freedom from illegal confinement.
- Most staffers say Congress is not functioning as a democratic legislature
No matter what, voting is your privilege and your right. VoteTexas.gov, https://www.votetexas.gov/get-involved/index.html
Like you said, the fear is the Left will run away with any convention. In their unparalleled ability to corrupt, perhaps they could pollute the Constitution or even change it entirely. If they can change an election, they can deal with the 38 states required to ratify an amendment.
That said, they don't need to amend the Constitution to push their agenda. It's for that reason that it seems like conservatives rely on the Constitution too much and miss the bigger issue. The Left is content with letting us cling to a piece of paper while they corrupt society. Our piece of paper only works in a God-fearing, Christian society.