The job of the citizen is to set the expectations. It is the job of the public servants to get the job done.
How the Texas Legislature Works
Did you know that the Texas Constitution limits the business conducted by the Legislature during the first 60 days?
The first thirty days of each legislative session are devoted to the introduction of bills and resolutions. Legislators may also act upon emergency appropriations and any emergency matters submitted by the Governor to the Legislature.
During the second thirty days, the various committees of the Texas House will hold hearings to consider bills and resolutions and other matters. Once the first sixty days are past, legislators are able to act upon bills and resolutions through debates on the House floor, votes, and sending legislation to the Governor’s desk.
Bills have not yet been assigned to Committees in the House or the Senate (except budget bills), but they will be soon.
Bills are still being filed fast and furious. So far, 2,946 House bills and 1,028 Senate bills have been filed. They have until March 10 to file bills, and except for the Governor's emergency items (which have yet to be announced) they cannot debate or vote on any bills until after that date. Per the Texas Constitution, the governor’s emergency items are the only topics the Legislature can act on for the first 60 days of a legislative session.
A small warning about this flurry of bills being filed – don’t be fooled by the title of a bill or by the Congressperson filing it. The true purpose is often tricky. Read it and work with other activists to understand before you support it or not.
Texas Legislature Tidbits
A glimpse into TLO (Texas Legislature Online)
How a Bill Becomes Law in Texas
Track the Texas Legislature with MyTLO (12-minute video)
How to visit your legislators at the Austin Capitol (15-minute video)
Learn more at The Legislative Process in Texas and FAQs.
Remember - The job of the citizen is to set the expectations. It is the job of the public servants to get the job done.,
Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.
~ Adlai Stevenson II
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Until next time…
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I saw something that Governor Abbott caught Harris County trying to defund the police some, so he passed a law??? So they couldn't raise taxes if they weren't going to use money responsibility?